[Social_ar] Participation in Social Augmented Reality Workshop

Kurtis Ritchey kritchey at lvnworth.com
Sat Sep 12 19:33:14 PDT 2009

Dear Organizers, 

I would like to present at your Social Augmented Reality Workshop. Attached
is a short Abstract on the work I would like to present and my Bio. I have
already registered for the ISMAR09 Conference.  I will be overseas on
business next week and have limited resources to prepare a formal position
paper so please let me know if what I am sending is sufficient and topic you
and your attendees would like to hear about.  I will return to the states on
21 Sept 09. 




Kurtis Ritchey, Government Civilian

National Simulation Center

Fort Leavenworth, KS 

Kurtis.ritchey at us.army.mil

Cell 913-290-1199

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