[Social_ar] ISMAR09; Social AR Workshop Position Paper Submission from Kurtis Ritchey, NSC

Tobias Hollerer holl at cs.ucsb.edu
Fri Sep 18 15:44:05 PDT 2009

Thanks, Kurtis. We received your submission.
Thanks for contributing to ISMAR 2009, and the
social AR workshop in particular!



kritchey wrote:
> Tobias,
> I am overseas and am having trouble getting my Position Paper submitted 
> to the “AR 2.0 Social Networking Meets Augmented Reality Workshop” for 
> ISMAR09 via the official website by the submission deadline. Could you 
> please submit the attached for me. And if you know of a better venue at 
> ISMAR09 please go ahead and and please feel free to plug me in to 
> present this information. I will be back in the United States on Tuesday 
> and can scan and sign the copyright release at that time. I do not have 
> very good e-mail or a scanner in the remote overseas area I am presently 
> located.
> Finally, I would greatly appreciate it if you would confirm reciept and 
> acceptance to review my submission for consideration.
> Thank you very much for assisting me in meeting my deadline of COB 18 
> Sept 09.
> Yours truly,
> Kurtis
> Kurtis Ritchey,
> National Simulation Center
> kurtis.ritchey at us.army.mil <mailto:kurtis.ritchey at us.army.mil>
> Wk Cell 913-290-1199

Tobias Hollerer
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5110

holl at cs.ucsb.edu, Office: (805)893-8759, Fax: (805)893-8553

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