[Social_ar] Your submission to the Social AR workshop

Deepak Jagdish deepak.jagdish at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 11:54:38 PDT 2009

Dear Tobias,

Thanks so much for choosing our submission for presentation at the

We'll take the necessary steps immediately to register for the event.

We look forward to hearing from you about the event and presentation


: Deepak

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Tobias Hollerer <holl at cs.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Dear Deepak,
> The workshop organizers reviewed your submission and
> found it highly relevant and stimulating for the purpose
> of the workshop. We would like you to present it at the
> workshop. Can you (or a designated presenter) please
> register for the workshop.
> Please note that today is the last day for Early
> Registration Discounts. I hope that this email
> reaches you in time. We apologize for the tight schedule.
> We will send information on the workshop program, the
> desired format and length of your presentation, etc. ASAP.
> Thank you very much for your contribution to
> ISMAR 2009!
> Cheers,
>        Tobias Hollerer
> --
> Tobias Hollerer
> Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
> University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5110
> holl at cs.ucsb.edu, Office: (805)893-8759, Fax: (805)893-8553
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