[Social_ar] Social AR Workshop // ISMAR '09 // metaio

Tobias Hollerer holl at cs.ucsb.edu
Wed Sep 9 10:05:11 PDT 2009

Dear Noora,

We'd be delighted to see participation from Metaio in the workshop.
Would you be able to submit a position paper, as solicited on the
workshop page?

Demonstrations would be great as well. Are there any projects with
a specific social computing aspect that you would want to highlight?

The deadline for submitting the position statements is Fri, Sept. 18.

Let's continue this conversation!


Noora Guldemond wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> We came across the workshop you are organizing together with Dieter and 
> Mark, sounds great.
> Metaio would be highly interested in participating at the workshop, 
> showcasing our latest development efforts for a mobile AR platform.
> The platform we are currently developing is for everybody to start 
> augmenting their reality, instead of having set applications. Users are 
> able to load their own content, create their own scenes and share this 
> with other users as well as on social media sites as Facebook, Twitter 
> etc. The application will be running on all major smart phones; Android, 
> iPhone, Symbian S60 and Windows Mobile and will be launched later this year.
> A movie demonstrating this can be found on: www.metaio.com/world 
> <http://www.metaio.com/world>
> I would love to hear if you have a slot open for metaio’s participation 
> at your workshop.
> Best,
> Noora
> *metaio, Inc.*
> Noora Guldemond
> Head Sales & Marketing
> * *
> 1000 Sansome St. Suite 380
> San Francisco, CA 94111
> Phone +1 415 814-3376
> Fax       +1 415 814-3295
> Cell       +1 650 200-9476
> noora.guldemond at metaio.com <mailto:noora.guldemond at metaio.com>
> http://www.metaio.com <http://www.metaio.com/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Inside metaio `09
> Once again metaio is showing the best-practice and future of augmented 
> reality at it´s technology fair. Save the date: 9-28-09!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Tobias Hollerer
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5110

holl at cs.ucsb.edu, Office: (805)893-8759, Fax: (805)893-8553

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